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Health and Safety Tips for the Holidays

Nov 30, 2020
Health and Safety Tips for the Holidays
With only a few days to go before the holidays and the coming new year, things can get hectic. Here are some tips to keep yourself healthy, safe, and happy during the holidays:

With only a few days to go before the holidays and the coming new year, things can get hectic. Here are some tips to keep yourself healthy, safe, and happy during the holidays:

Stay Dry and Warm

1. Stay Dry and Warm

Winter is here and aside from freezing temperatures, you may be dealing with snow or hail. Limit your time in the cold and wear appropriate clothing. Dress in light, warm layers, windproof/waterproof coat, gloves/mittens, hats, scarves, and waterproof boots. Check your house heating system to make sure it is running smoothly.

3. Stay Active

It’s easy to forget your regular fitness routine in the midst of all the holiday preparations and celebrations. Try to make sure your workouts are in the morning to complete before other plans later. Avoid prolonged sitting. You can even consider starting a healthy holiday tradition with your family such as a walk, a hike, or physical games.

5. Travel safely

Always follow precautions when walking outdoors. Sprinkle sand or cat litter over icy walkways. Always fasten your seatbelts and buckle children in the appropriate child safety seat. Don’t drink and drive. Don’t let others drink and drive. Pay close attention to weather forecast and road conditions before you travel.

2. Eat Healthy

The holiday season and lots of food seem to go hand-in-hand. Make it easier to stick to healthy eating by moderating your food intake and not forcing yourself to eat everything. Fill your plate with healthier food choices and eat slowly. If you know there will not be a lot of healthy dishes, eat beforehand or bring fruits and vegetables for the party. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

4. Prevent injuries

Accidents and injuries are common especially during the holidays. Decorating accidents can be avoided by being extra careful in using stepstools and ladders. Keep your house safe from fire by checking your heating system, never leaving fireplaces and candles unattended, and always keeping an eye on your cooking. Install a smoke and carbon monoxide detector and test them regularly. Keep children away from dangerous toys, household hazards, decorations, and fire.

6. Practice food safety

With all the cooking going on, and with all the current food recalls, food safety should all the more be a priority during this holiday season. Wash hands and surfaces often. Avoid cross-contamination by using separate food preparation utensils such as cutting boards and knives, Use a food thermometer and cook foods to proper temperatures. When dealing with leftovers, refrigerate foods promptly and remember safe timelines for keeping leftovers.

Prevent the spread of germs

7. Prevent the spread of germs

Germs accumulate on your hands throughout the day .Wash your hands regularly and especially after using the bathroom, coughing or sneezing, and handling the garbage. Wash your hands before and after preparing food and eating. Wash your hands with soap and clean running water for at least 20 seconds.

9. Manage stress

Things can get stressful during the holidays with all the celebrations, finishing up for the year, and gearing up for the next year. Take the time to take care of yourself. Give yourself a break between activities especially if you feel stressed out or overwhelmed. Get plenty of sleep. Make sure you find time to maintain your regular relaxation routines.

8. Be smoke-free

Avoid smoking and avoid being exposed to secondhand smoke

10. Get exams and vaccines

Winter season is flu season. Make sure you have your flu shot. Schedule a visit with your health care provider and ask what other vaccinations and tests you should get based on your age, medical history, family history, and lifestyle. You can also take advantage of your free time to call and schedule routine checkup for the coming new year or to look for a doctor if you do not have one yet.